
Evolution de Bet Mon A

samedi 12 mars 2011 par Jean-Noël Terry

(article à traduire en français)

Bet Mon A, HD45725, HR2356

Information :

A complex system : a triple system in which the three components are Be stars of about the same spectral type !

Seen in emission since 1925, but V/R variable.

V/R variation with a period of about 12.5 years has been suggested, but we need more steady observations.

What we know :

You van see Anne Cowley et al. (A&A, 22 203-208 (1973))

1905-1911 : V/R is near 1

1925 : Medium emission (Merrill 1925)

1938-1941 : Shell absorption faded

1942-1945 : Shell absorption recovered

1955 : Ha in very strong emission, Hb too

1960-1964 : Hydrogen shell components become very strong

1969-1975 : Emission lines as well as the shell component decrease

1982-1989 : Shell and strong emission star (Andrillat 1982, Maranon-1994, Hanuschik-1985, Dachs-1992, Slettebak 1993)

1998 : emission (Banerjee 2000)

2007 (march) : emission and continues in 2011.

(version 20110303)

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